Make Hay While the Sun Shines - Free Printable Check List

Hey! We have a fun little printable for you lovely people today. How has school been going? Are you out for the summer yet? I realized that sometimes it’s nice to have a little bit of a schedule to keep during the summer - otherwise 1) it goes by a little too fast and 2) the day ends up being sooooo not productive.

SO with that in mind, I would totally encourage you to try a check list of 10 things to every day. Have some work on there, like: organize desk (Am I the only one who needs it to be done every few months?!), sweep kitchen floor, wash windows, etc. However, there are other things that you  really need to make time for that are pleasant as well, like: reading the Bible for an hour, spending 45 minutes drawing/writing, jog around the block, read three chapters of a book you want to read, etc.

What sort of things would you put on your list, were you to make one? I’d love to hear your suggestions and ideas - I’m definitely doing this this summer. ;)

Happy Wednesday, lovelies!

Just save the image to your desktop and print it out!


  1. Summer does go so fast! I'll be sure to use it :)
    Thanks, Pebbles + Peaches!



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